Inside fashion design
In Chapter 1 &2-Inside Fashion Design describes the job of the designer and how the designer functions in the context of an apparel manufacturing firm. In chapter 3. Presents a comprehensive overview of how to organize a line, including discussions on work sheets, cost sheets,color and markets. and in choosing fabrics for a line . Chapter 4 is an intensive discussion of fabricating a line and includes a lengthy textile dictionary of pictures and descriptions of more than 100 fabrics.Chapter 5 describes kinds and ways of trimming, a garment and features topics like studding and air brush painting. Chapter 6 is about sources of inspiration that stimulate interest in discovering the vast research sources available to the designer, domestic and foreign publications, museums, home furnishing and fashion shows.. Chapter 7 covers basic drawing. Chapter 8 covers principles and element of design.Chapters 9 to 14 covers (Jackets, skirts, dresses, etc. and contains historical information about various types of garments as well as historic costume.