Rookie Smarts [Paperback] [Dec 15, 2014] Liz Wiseman
Experience is at a premium in a stable, but when the world is changing quickly, experience becomes a curse and being new, naïve and even clueless can be an asset. For knowledge workers facing an acceleration of demands and an explosion of information, learning is becoming more valuable than mastery. In rookie smarts, liz wiseman explains why this new mindset is necessary to succeed. By virtue of being new to something,rookies are unencumbered, with no baggage to weigh them down, no resources to burden them and no track record to artificially limit their thinking or aspirations. They have a coarseness that puts them in a state of porous openness and a productive anxiety that drives them to establish themselves as players and peers. Her research has shown that the most successful rookies are alert and seeking (like hunters and gathers), cautious but quick (like hot coal walkers) and fearless (like frontiersmen). Rookie smarts addresses the questions every experienced professional faces: