Spiritual Writings: A New Translation and Selection (Harper Perennial Modern Thought)
In this new collection, Oxford theologian George Pattison translates and selects SØren Kierkegaard's previously neglected writings on spiritualityworks that greatly deepen our understanding of the influential thinker. In philosophy and literature, Kierkegaard ("By far the most profound thinker of the nineteenth century"Ludwig Wittgenstein) is generally perceived as epitomizing existential angst. However, there is much more to Kierkegaard than the popular image of the melancholy Dane or the iconoclastic critic of established Christendom. Alongside the pseudonymous books for which he is largely known, Kierkegaard also wrote many devotional works, which he called "upbuilding" or "edifying" discourses. Taken as a whole, these writings offer something very different from the popular viewthey embody a spirituality grounded in a firm sense of human life as a divine gift.