Come Back: a Mother and Daughter's Journey Through Hell and Back
How does an honor student at one of the finest prep schols in Los Angeles - a bright, Beautiful girl from a loving home - end up shooting up in the back of a vaan in rural Indiana? How does her devoted mother overcome the shock of finding out that her daughter has not only disaperaed but had been living a secret life for more than a year? Mother and daughter each tell their story in compelling, provocative first person accounts. Claire chronicles her stuggles with her daughter Mia's manipipulative , drug-fueled behavior, her relentless search for her across three states, and ultimate choice to force her into a boot camp school in eastern europe. Mia details her refuge in the abyss of crimainal and herion addicts and the painful childhood secrets that led up to it. Both describe their their remarkable, if conteroversial, process of healing with unsparing honesty and humor . An unforgettable story of love and transformation, Come Back is a heart- wrenching portrayal of the bond between mother and daughter that will responate with reader everywhere.