Mistress of Winter
Years ago, Brophy, the Heir of Autumn, sacrificed himself to save Ohndarien from the insidious Black Emmeria. Ever since, his beloved Shara has spent her life trying to free Brophy from the ensorcelled dreams that keep the ancient terror at bay. But her struggle is all for naught, until the mysterious Arefaine Morgeon returns with the key to releasing the trapped hero. Yet, once woken, Brophy has been twisted into a vicious monster after years of tormented dreams.
Heartbroken and betrayed, Shara buries her broken heart in a single-minded quest for pleasure and prestige in the Summer Isles, until she is forced into a deadly clash with a sadistic mage whose power comes from pain and humiliation. In the struggle that follows, both Shara and Brophy will be tested to the limits as they fight to save Ohndarien.