God, Man, and Archie Bunker
On religion: "He made everyone the same religion - Christian. Which He named after His Son, Christian . . . or Christ for short. And that's how it was for years. One religion. Until they started splitting 'em up to all them other denumerations. But there's still only one religion. His up there." . . . On forgiveness: "What wrong with revenge? That's a perfect way to get even." . . . On the American Dream: "There's three great things that happens to a man in his lifetime. Buying a house . . . a car . . . and a new color T.V. That's what America is all about." . . . On modern medicine: "You go because He wants you. And when He wants you. And He don't want no quack doctors putting new hearts into you and keeping you here against His will 'cause it throw Him off His schedule. It throw Him all off. Now you do that to Him . . . throw His schedule off like that . . . you'll have to answer to Him, won't you?" . . . On death: "Everybody's gotta die sometime. That's life."