Today I Am a Ma'Am: And Other Musings on Life, Beauty, and Growing Older
Valerie Harper, a.k.a. Rhoda Morgenstern, is sick of those phony fabulous at 50 books written by women whose skin is free of laugh lines and who wouldn't know a cellulite pocket if it bit them on the side. So she's decided to tell it like it is in Today I Am a Ma'am. With her trademark straight-from-the-hip, call-'em-like-she-sees-'em style, she helps women figure out, with humor and grace, what it means to be middle-aged. Included are essays on bodies, from alligator skin to bubble-wrap thighs; secrets -- from mastering the art of indifference to finding new appreciation for Lady Macbeth; and pleasures, from the joy of crankiness to the thrill of saying Let us eat cake Today I Am a Ma'am is a witty, irreverent call-to-arms from America's most reliable girlfriend, a Chicken Soup for the funny-bone, a book that women can pick up whenever they need a laugh -- or a reminder that midriff drift is not the end of the world.