Goldie and the Three Bears
In this spirited new version of "Goldilocks," we meet a determined heroine with a mind of her own. Goldie knows exactly what she likes -- and what she doesn't. Can she help it if everyone she invites over is too bossy or too boring or too snobby or too rough? What she desperately wants is a friend who is just right -- someone she can love with all her heart. Then one day, Goldie gets off the bus at the wrong stop, walks to a nearby cottage to find help, and opens the door. . .
Diane Stanley, author and illustrator of Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter, once again takes an old tale and gives it a fresh spin that is funny as well as perceptive. Readers will love accompanying Goldie on her up-to-date adventure and discovering the clever, heartwarming surprise at its end.