Reason and belief: Based on Gifford lectures at St. Andrews and Noble lectures at Harvard
Blanshard's long-awaited book is the third and final portion of a philosophical trilogy, of which the first two parts were Reason and Analysis and Reason and Goodness, both published more than ten years ago. This final volume is devoted to the relations between reason and religion.The book is long (more than 600 pages) and rich in content. Not since Santayana's Reason in Religion in 1910 (one of the five volumes of his "Life of Reason" series) has a philosopher stood back from the religious scene with such an objective eye-sympathetic, yet critical-and shared with his readers so much wisdom on the subject. The book is written in Blanshard's inimitable philosophical style, smooth and polished, always to the point, full of well-turned phrases and quotable quotes.