Responsible parenthood: The child's psyche through the six-year pregnancy
This book continues to offer relevant and excellent insight and guidance. It was cited in the book, Children in Jeopardy: Can We Break the Cycle of Poverty? by Irving B. Harris, Foreword by Donald J. Cohen, MD, (1996) New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Harris wrote about Responsible Parenthood: "There are great truths in the following quotation from the preface of Responsible Parenthood, a book by Gilbert W. Kliman and Arthur Rosenfeld: The book became emphatically addressed not only to parents and would-be parents, but also to non-parents. It makes a real difference to you whether my child turns out to be, say, a dedicated teacher or a narcotics peddler. If my child is retarded or delinquent, you-without having any vote in the matter-help foot the bill or could be one of his or her victims. All children are everyone's children, or should be; and all adults, in addition to being specific rearers of their own biological offspring (or those they choose to adopt) are in a real sense surrogate parents for all children." By Teresa Reitinger on December 4, 2014