This text offers a conceptual survey of physics in an easily understood presentation. Features: * The flexible organisation allows professors to choose the order in which topics are taught. Seven possible thematic paths are detailed in the Instructor's Manual. * Chapter-opening questions immediately stimulate independent thinking about forthcoming chapter topics. * Excellent illustrations and photos complement text and maintain student interest throughout the course. * In-text questions with answers at the bottom of the page help students think critically about important chapter material. * Physics on Your Own boxes, requiring little or no equipment, illustrate the experimental aspects of physics and the application of physics to our everyday lives. * Special topic boxes expose students to various practical and interesting applications of physical principles. * Biographical sketches give students a valuable historical perspective of physics. * Specially placed "Interludes" prepare students for chapters that follow. New to this edition: * "Computing Boxes" offer students optional opportunities to explore the mathematics often associated with the physics course. * Brilliant new photographs, including some in end-of-chapter pedagogy, complement chapter material and capture student interest. * Updated topics in pedagogical boxes (e.g. the 1996 Olympic Games) include the latest information about physics and illustrate the relevancy of physics in our daily lives. * Updated end-of-chapter questions challenge students to apply important concepts to contemporary situations. * Updated developing areas such as elementary particles and lasers, added new explanations on the global positioning system, reactions caused by collision, increased coverage of the physics of biology and medicine.