Presenting the methods of social science research within the context of human service practice, the Fourth Edition of Applied Social Research is ideal for courses emphasizing applied research in sociology, social work, criminal justice, counseling, and community planning. Used at the undergraduate and graduate levels, this popular text explores the growing diversity of ways in which research is applied to practice and the extensive links between research and practice. Features: * Emphasizes integration of practice and research. * "Research in Practice" boxes in each chapter discuss special examples of ways in which research and practice have been linked. * Chapter 11 covers single-subject designs, an often neglected topic in texts not designed for the human services marketing. * Each chapter concludes with Main Points, Important Terms for Review, For Further Reading, and Exercises for Class Discussion. Where applicable, some chapters contain "Computers in Research" and "Exploring the Internet" features. New to this edition: * The coverage of data analysis is now expanded into two chapters (now Chapters 14 and 15). * An increased emphasis on the use of computers in research and a new focus on World Wide Web resources, including "Exploring the Internet". * A new appendix on the World Wide Web Connection. * Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in applied settings.