The Temple of Jerusalem
A history of the Temple of Jerusalem is, in effect, a history of the Jewish people. Using Biblical sources, Ms. Comay describes the Sinai Covenant, the Exodus into the Promised Land, the planning of the first Temple by King David, and its building by King Solomon. Her chronicle of the inception, building, destructions and rebuildings of the Temple emphasizes its importance to Moslems and Christians as well as to Jews. For later history she incorporates the writings of Josephus as well as other historical and archaeological sources. Though the reader is sometimes staggered by what seems a flight through dates, kings, and battles, the text is generally coherent and readable. It is of necessity concise, for this is as much a picture history as a written one, with well chosen color and black-and-white photographs, maps and reproductions depicting various aspects of the Temple's ups and downs. A handsome volume--this year's coffee-table-book for the Bar-Mitzvah set.