Principles of Electronic Devices
This practical new introduction focuses on device modeling, circuit operation and analysis, and applied design in a way that establishes an understanding of how devices fundamentals can be applied in a wide range of circumstances. Basic devices are introduced through a two-chapter format. Manufacturers' specification/data sheets are used throughout the coverage. This book contains coverage of circuit modeling that emphasizes the simplified, low- frequency, hybrid-pi model that makes this topic easier to each and easier to learn. Extensive treatment of the use of PSpice starts in Chapter 1 and continues throughout the material. PSpice examples are provided as the final part of each text section. This coverage is clearly related to chapter topics, but handled in a manner that makes its introduction entirely optional. A full chapter on the differential amplifier and its integrated circuit evolution to the operational amplifier sets the stage for subsequent chapters oriented toward integrated- circuit applications. Coverage addresses both linear and non- linear op-amp applications, including amplifier circuits, active filters, holding circuits, clamping circuits, and comparators.