Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach
For junior/senior and graduate-level courses in Introduction to Food and Beverage Operations and Foodservice Organization and Management. Completely revised and updated, this popular text presents a comprehensive portrait of managing commercial and on-site foodservice operations. Emphasizing a "real-world" focus using the foodservice systems model as the guiding framework, the Fifth Edition boasts a new four-part organization: Part I explores the concepts of the foodservice systems model in-depth; Part II probes the functional subsystems of the transformation process--procurement, production, distribution and service, safety, sanitation, and maintenance; Part III discusses management functions and linking processes, including information on leadership, decision-making, communication and marketing; Part IV concentrates on outputs of the system, and includes methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the system outputs. With a host of pedagogical aids and study resources, this text provides a solid balance of theory and practice that serves the needs of both students and instructors.