Playing With Fire (Skulduggery Pleasant)
Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date :2008-4-1 Pages:! 350 The worlds most popular delinquent reveals all in the onlytie-in book to the BIGGEST TV show of 1997 Written and illustratedby Matt Groening. the creator of The Simpsons. Bart Simpsons Guideto Life is chock full of the kind of humour that keeps Simpsonsdevotees hooked to the show. Including such gems as Dr BartsMiracle Cures. Homers Dozen-Donut-A-Day Diet and the beautysecrets of Marge (Never pluck protruding nose hair death mayresult. Instead. use a lightweight Weedwacker) and Homer (Thescent of chili dogs. onions and beer. when eaten in combination. makes women swoon). With guest appearances by all the greatSimpsons characters. including Lisa. Moe. Barney. Millhouse. Krustythe Clown. Groundskeeper Willie. Mr Burns and Smithers. Like theshows themselves. Bart Simpsons Guide to Life has something toplease all age gro...