Handmade Cigar Collector's Guide and Journal
With more and more people discovering the pleasures of a good smoke, interest in cigars has ignited, and cigar smoking has become the hottest trend of the 90s. Today, such high-profile people as Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenneger, David Letterman, and Madonna are often seen sporting stogies, and according to the Cigar Association of America 3.5 billion cigars were sold in 1995, with sales of premium cigars up an astounding 45 percent.
For this growing number of aficionados comes The Handmade Cigar Collectors Guide and Journal. The rich journal pages provide space for the user to affix the cigar band and record vital statistics for the cigars they sample, such as draw, ring gauge, flavor and burn. What's more, these pages are adorned with sepia-toned images of famous cigar smokers and memorable quotes.
The guide section features never-before-published information on how to locate, acquire and preserve the worlds hardest-to-find cigars, as well as color photographs of more than 20 of the most coveted handmade cigars.
Beautifully designed to reflect the discriminating tastes of cigar lovers, The Handmade Cigar Collectors Guide and Journal is a keepsake that no discerning connoisseur should be without.