One On One
All 11-year-old Jared St. George can think about is making hisschool basketball team. What Jared refuses to think about is math, and the factthat he’s failing it. The problem is tough: a poor math grade plus anunsympathetic coach equals no basketball team. Jared’s only hope is peertutoring from Ellie Brejovic, the weirdo classmate whom everyone teases. To hissurprise, Ellie makes math make sense, except that Jared would rather admit tocheating than let the guys know about her. Turns out that’s the really bigmistake, one that could cost Jared not just a spot on the team, but somethingfar more valuable.
One on One is Don Aker’s new novel for middle readers, astory that taps into the classic "making the team" dilemma withauthentic characters, intelligent plotting and terrific writing. Kids who liveto play basketball will love this book; kids who live to read will love it too.