Everyone's guide to the law: A handbook for Canadians
Everyone's Guide to the Law brings the law to you and makes its complexities accessible and understandable. From birth issues to settling an estate, Everyone's Guide to the Law is the essential legal guide for Canadian families.* What are the legal rights of a worker who is fired, harassed, suffers discrimination, gets pregnant, is paid unequally, or is forced to work on contract?* What are the legal responsibilities of a spouse, unmarried partner, parent, child, teen, employer, landlord, doctor, citizen, government?* What are the legal remedies when a person is injured in an accident, medical operation, childbirth? By libel or slander, second-hand smoke, or discrimination? As a victim of crime, incest, rape or other forms of sexual exploitation?* What are the legal rules for abortion, adoption, bankruptcy, divorce, support, custody, estate distribution, living wills, marriage and cohabitation contracts, home ownership and mortgages, organ donations, powers of attorney?