Books by Wecklein, Nicolaus

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Aschylos Orestie, Mit Erklarenden (German Edition) image

Aschylos Orestie, Mit Erklarenden (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781117173146
Publisher: BiblioLife
Released: Nov 17, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 344 pages
Aschylos Orestie, Mit Erklarenden (German Edition) image

Aschylos Orestie, Mit Erklarenden (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781117173153
Publisher: BiblioLife
Released: Nov 13, 2009
Format: Paperback, 344 pages
Studien zu Aeschylus (German Edition) image

Studien zu Aeschylus (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781117595788
Publisher: BiblioLife
Released: Dec 02, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 190 pages
Studien zu Aeschylus (German Edition) image

Studien zu Aeschylus (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781117595801
Publisher: BiblioBazaar
Released: Dec 10, 2009
Format: Paperback, 188 pages
The Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus and the Fragments of the Prometheus Unbound (Ancient Greek Edition) image

The Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus and the Fragments of the Prometheus Unbound (Ancient Greek Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781141205127
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Dec 31, 2009
Format: Paperback, 202 pages
Prometheus, Nebst Den Bruchstucken Des Prometheus Luomenos: Fur Den Schulgebrauch Erklart Von N. Wecklein (English and German Edition) image

Prometheus, Nebst Den Bruchstucken Des Prometheus Luomenos: Fur Den Schulgebrauch Erklart Von N. Wecklein (English and German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781141496341
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Format: Paperback, 168 pages
Medea: Mit Einer Lithographierten Tafel (German Edition) image

Medea: Mit Einer Lithographierten Tafel (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781141659074
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Format: Paperback, 188 pages
Euripidis Fabulae, Volume 1, part 1 (Ancient Greek Edition) image

Euripidis Fabulae, Volume 1, part 1 (Ancient Greek Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781141826032
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Format: Paperback, 70 pages
Prometheus, Nebst Den Bruchstücken Des Prometheus Luomenos: Für Den Schulgebrauch Erklärt Von N. Wecklein (German Edition) image

Prometheus, Nebst Den Bruchstücken Des Prometheus Luomenos: Für Den Schulgebrauch Erklärt Von N. Wecklein (German Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781141845910
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Format: Paperback, 172 pages
Sophoclis Tragoediae: Sec. 1. Philoctetes. Ed. 4. 1875. Sec. 2. Oedipus Rex. Ed. 5. 1880. Sec. 3. Oedipus Coloneus. Ed. 5. 1889. Sec. 4. Antigone. Ed. 5. 1878 (Ancient Greek Edition) image

Sophoclis Tragoediae: Sec. 1. Philoctetes. Ed. 4. 1875. Sec. 2. Oedipus Rex. Ed. 5. 1880. Sec. 3. Oedipus Coloneus. Ed. 5. 1889. Sec. 4. Antigone. Ed. 5. 1878 (Ancient Greek Edition)

ISBN-13: 9781142315566
Publisher: Nabu Press
Released: Jan 02, 2010
Format: Paperback, 586 pages