Music, Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers, a Jewish music anthology. Music Mind & Body Spirituality What does a particular liturgical song mean in a community, and in an individual heart? What is your personal story of connection to music, song, chanting, and spiritual lyrics? How does music change a life or bring back memories of a time of transformation? How are new songs, lyrics and music birthed in the Jewish community? These questions and more are explored by the authors-rabbis, cantors, poets, healers, and musicians, who share their wisdom and delight with you. Music, Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers is a window into the heart and spirit of a profoundly diverse Jewish prayer community. If you are looking for ways to make your own spiritual practice more engaging or more meaningful, this book can provide a gateway to that journey. Forty plus authors open their hearts to you and share the ways in which music, song, prayer and Judaism have touched each of them. They come to you from diverse backgrounds-East coast to West coast, North America and beyond, Orthodox and Conservative to Reform, Reconstructionist, Jewish Renewal and more. Each section is a prompt for individual and communal soul searching. It will provide you, your book group or spiritual community with the tools to pray more joyfully and intentionally. FORWARD: Sacred Relationships, Shefa Gold; Bringing the Liturgy to Life, Notes to Congregations, Communities & Book Clubs, Ann J. White. OPENINGS pg 15: Harmonizing a New Journey, Natalie Young; Here I Stand: What It Means To Sing on Behalf of You, Sheila Pearl; Balancing Ritual and Novelty Each New Day, Susan Colin; Mi Chamocha--Who Is Like Us; Awareness of Immanent Presence. GRATITUDE, OUR THANKS TO 45: Our Thank You To God, Judy Caplan Ginsburgh; A Shield, Modim Anachnu Lach, Joy Katzen-Guthrie; We Give Thanks To You, Rosalie Boxt; Lev Tahor: Taking Out the Trash, Beth Hamon; The Art of Prayer--The Singer Becomes the Song, Shawn Israel Zevit; Ma'ariv Aravim: Stand By Me, Robbi Sherwin. FAMILY pg 104: My Yiddishe Grandma and other Healing Tales, Jeff Gold; My Father's Tunes, Hannah Seidel; The Song of Solomon, A Personal History, Marci Vitkus; Avot v'Imahot Through The Generations, Rebekah Giangreco. COMMUNITIES OF CHANT pg 135: Where Might I Go To Find You, Lisa Doob; Benching; Jewish Selves in Song, Shira Wolosky; The Intangible and Tangible Effects of Music, Sheldon Low; Building and Inhabiting the Mishkan Through Chant, Shefa Gold; Elohai Neshama, Faith Hayflich; Musical Connections Through Time&Space, Victoria Carmona; Ayn Od: Non-Dual Perception, Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks; The Art of Nigun as Prayer, Dahlia Topolosky. TORAH CANTILATION-MEANING&MANTRA pg 201: Torah Trope Mobile Apps; A Taste of Ancient Melodies, Mindy Sandler; Leyning in English, Jack Kessler; What Are Jewish Blues with Saul Kaye; The Whole Magilla in Pop Culture; Ki Imanu Eil, God is With Us, Eric Komar. GOD IS... pg 226: Duality of G'vurot; Romemu; The Power of Song by Rami Shapiro; Ashrei: Visioning Happiness with a Grieving Soul, Elizabeth W Goldstein; All in the Zimrahh of Yahh, Shira Kline; Synagogue Music and Kavannah, George Henschel; What Chanting a Prayer Might Just Do For You by Diane J. Schmidt; Speak To Me, Ruth Anne Faust; As I Intended; Adamah V'shamayim, The Illusion Between Sound and Silence, Kimberly Burnham; Dancing With God, Ann J. White; Creating Safe Space; Halleluyah - A Simple Song about Jewish Worship, Aaron H. Tornberg. SEEK PEACE, A BRIT SHALOM pg 309; Esa Einai, Arnie Davidson; Shalom; Experiencing Melodic Peace, Rebecca Schwartz; Gift of Peace - Hu Eloheinu, Shelly Aronson; Reaching Peace Through Music in Prayer, Steve Dropkin; Six Attributes of Peace,Ter Lieberstein; Inner Peace: The Dance of Eggs and Stones, Michael Gurian POETRY by Kimberly Burnham and Rebekah Giangreco.