Women today are eager to say goodbye to corporate life and hello to a better life working at home. This book reveals how to turn your personal passion into profitable home business while creating a life you love! It provides aspiring mom/CEOs with the know how to succeed in a home business that puts you in charge of your future. From nuts to bolts, this book teaches new e-business owners every aspect of home business including: choosing the perfect at-home career, avoiding scams, writing a business plan, start up costs, financing, organizing your home office, childproofing your office, ergonomics, Feng Shui, money management strategies, product pricing, cost cutting tips, improving cash flow, tax tips, merchant accounts. Also includes tech advice on computer backups, virus protection, and selecting an ISP service. Without careful and deliberate attention, a new fledgling business can take over your life. Writer Kristie Tamsevicius, addresses how to conquer the toughest issued faced by growing businesses and offers tips on delegation, time management, building a passive income, and creating systems for success. Includes from-the-trenches advice on how to succeed with from some of today's most successful entrepreneurs. While there are many books on the subject of working from home, none describe in such detail how to build a dynamic web presence, promote it online and offline, and take it from fledgling start up to an automated high profit business. Covers all aspects of setting up a profitable business web site including, key components, do it yourself sites, hiring a web design firm, and finding a web host. The key to small business success is having a solid marketing strategy. This book offers insight into every aspect of marketing including creating a strategic marketing plan, search engine promotion, publicity, and branding. Offers step by step instructions to building a press kit and writing press releases to publicize your business.