Narcissists are notorious for creating wounds. Wounds so deep that it creates a physical and emotional pain so intense you have no idea how you are going to get beyond the nightmare. Why do they want to hurt you? YOU! You have been so kind and so supportive. Now you are in the most excoriating pain you have ever experienced. STOP with the “If only I…” scenarios you have running in your head. STOP with the self-blame that the narcissist has conditioned deep within your psyche. STOP reaching out to this toxic abuser, who is punishing you with the silent treatment--yet again. LEAVE the unhealthy toxicity in your rear-view and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP to regain your self-confidence, self-esteem, and control of your own life! Your overall well-being begins with your very own behavior. Is This Your Story? You wanted that perfect relationship. Instead, you are in a narcissistic-abusive relationship. Your partner has been controlling you, demeaning you, and undermining you. Your partner is self-destructive and wants to take you down, too. Do not let this happen to you or someone you love! The person you are with is gorgeous, charming, intelligent, affectionate, and attentive--beyond your wildest dreams. You found yourself telling this person your hopes, your dreams, your deepest, darkest secrets. This person is “your love,” your soulmate. You could not be happier. You do not want the feeling of happiness to leave. You have this odd trust for your new “love.” You are telling this person your most private things …including your passwords, financial information, and have handed over keys to your home and car. You do not realize it, but systematically this person sneaks into your life—slithers-- into your life….consuming you as a snake does to its prey. The mind games have started. This person is not “your love.” This person is not “your soulmate.” You are being manipulated quite possibly by a narcissist. If this person isn’t a narcissist, you are being targeted by a soulless, emotionless monster. Then one day you call this person out on the lies. OH, DEAR GOD! YOU DID WHAT? Calling out a narcissist, toxic person, borderline, or jerk is detrimental to your emotional well-being, as well as your physical safety. Your toxic partner is an obsessed, over-excessive win-at-all-costs fighter. You will never win. The toxic partner makes up scenarios and reframes your words to make them work for your partner’s benefit against you in the most vicious ways. This person now moves in for the kill: your self-worth, your self-esteem. The person you fell in love with is not the same person. That person never existed. It was just an illusion. There are two teams: The group of people who have seen the true glimpses of your partner and never liked that person and the people who believe in you. The other group that is buying your “soulmate’s” line of garbage. The group that sees your partner as the victim of your nastiness. The ABCs of Narcissism was written by Michelle Williard Hoffer, a woman who went from survivor to empowered leader. She wrote this book to reach victims who wish to validate experiences with a toxic person--a person who is draining the very life right out of you. This book was written to tell victims to get out of the relationship NOW. Victims need to seek professional help for abuse …perhaps even narcissistic- abuse syndrome.