Mendelsohn, John and Donald S. Detwiler, EditorsPunishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf CasesNew York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1982. xiv, 266 pp. 8-1/2" x 11." Reprinted 2010 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781616190170. Hardcover. New. $65.* Volume 17, The Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes. Much of the most important documentation of the Holocaust was assembled in connection with the postwar prosecution of its perpetrators. The only major United States trial that was devoted entirely to the Holocaust was the Ohlendorf or Einsatzgruppen case. Other cases, tried at Nuernberg, that dealt with important aspects of the Holocaust were the International Military Tribunal and the Brandt and Pohl cases. In the Brandt or "medical case" a number of medical doctors and other SS officers were tried for conducting various experiments on concentration camp inmates, and for the killing of Jews to obtain skeletons for a collection at the University of Strassburg. In the Pohl or "concentration camp case" a group of SS officers was convicted for managing the concentration camps, and for profiteering from inmate labor in SS enterprises. In the Ohlendorf case, a number of commanders and members of Einsatzgruppen stood trial for killing an estimated one million men, women and children in the Soviet Union, mainly Jews. Contains 9 documents of source materials, carefully chosen from the thousands preserved at the U.S. National Archives. A detailed table of contents lists and provides the source for each document.The volumes in the series are grouped topically:PLANNING AND PREPARATION1. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Early Phase, 1933-19392. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Later Phase, 1939-19433. The Crystal Night Pogrom4. Propaganda and Aryanization, 1938-19445. Jewish Emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 19386. Jewish Emigration 1938-1940: Rublee Negotiations and the Intergovernmental Committee7. Jewish Emigration: The S.S. St. Louis Affair and Other CasesTHE KILLING OF THE JEWS8. Deportation of the Jews to the East: Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 19449. Medical Experiments on Jewish Inmates of Concentration Camps10. The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos11. The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services12. The "Final Solution" in the Extermination Camps and the Aftermath13. The Judicial System and the Jews in Nazi GermanyRESCUE ATTEMPTS14. Relief and Rescue of Jews from Nazi Oppression, 1943-194515. Relief in Hungary and the Failure of the Joel Brand Mission16. Rescue to Switzerland: The Musy and Saly Mayer AffairsPUNISHMENT17. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf Cases18. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Ohlendorf and von Weizsaecker CasesAlso available as a complete set for $1,195.