Available separately or save by buying as a two volume package This unprecedented work, divided into two volumes for easier use in the clinic, combines the best features of a textbook, resource manual and a guidebook. The books provide clinicians with evidence-based treatment protocols and detailed plans for teaching language skills and treating language disorders. Using Dr. Hegde’s signature approach, each protocol gives the clinician a plan of action in the form of scripted scenarios. Unlike step-by-step directions, which can leave room for ambiguity, these scripts specify the anticipated verbal and non-verbal actions the clinician and child are expected to exhibit. Dr. Hegde, who has authored a wealth of well-received textbooks and practical clinical titles for speech-language pathologists, distills his unparalleled knowledge of clinical practice in these books, the first of Plural’s Protocols. Dr. Hegde’s careful review of treatment research evidence and his decision to offer only procedures that are evidence-based result in a collection of procedures that have been proven effective in clinical and experimental studies, eliminating the need for clinicians to research teaching exemplars. Dr. Hegde’s book facilitates treatment planning and implementation by greatly reducing preparation time. Protocols for all major functional language targets are included, each containing a specific plan of action with twenty examples of target behavior for each language skill of a child. Each procedure is designed as a self-sufficient, separate entity, so that clinicians need not refer back and forth to teach a particular skill. The accompanying CD in each volume is an invaluable resource, containing printable forms that can be customized to assist clinicians in organizing clinical sessions, tracking client progress, and reporting results. The protocols are ideal as well for student practicum sessions and courses in child language disorders. Main advantages of Dr. Hegde’s Protocols include: • Evidence-based protocols for effective treatment • Flexible and facilitative scripted scenarios for maximum usability • Time-saving, researched and proven plans of action for all levels of experience • CDs with reproducible forms that can be customized for individualized treatment sessions and documentation of results • Manageable two volume set in spiral binding enhance use in the clinic Contents Volume 1: Essential Morphologic Features Preface. Introduction to Treatment Protocols and the CD Resource. Part I: Functional Words, Phrases and Sentences: Functional Words, Functional Phrases, Functional Sentences (Production), Part II: Morphologic Features: Regular and Irregular Plural