Gurdjieff has used more than one system of human typology and in this book we will try to study the main ones in order to better understand ourselves and the world in which we live in. This book explains, for the first time ever, the 28 human types mentioned by Gurdjieff in his books, The Herald of Coming Good and Beelzebub's Tales. After more twenty years of searching through different ways and types of exercises and more than ten years in one of the groups from the Gurdjieff Institute, I am now feeling the need to offer back to the world a little part of the knowledge that helped me to be a better human being today. While this book does not contain all the information that Gurdjieff brought, it gives a fair point of departure in an adventure that will bring more being in your life. The reader should have a basic knowledge of Gurdjieffian psychological and cosmological aspects, as the information presented here is pour les connoisseurs. Table of contents: Preface The 7 types States of consciousness The centers The first triad Man no. 1 Man no. 2 Man no. 3 Man no. 4 Conclusion The 28 Types A lifetime quest The centers revisited The physical center and its parts The emotional center and its parts The first nine types The second nine types The third nine types The twenty-seven types The twenty-eight type Relationships inside the enneagram Conclusion The 6 Types A Gurdjieffian legacy Planetary influences Enneagram revisited Pure types General behavior The Lunar The Venusian The Mercurial The Saturnine The Martial The Jovial The Solar extension pack Relationships between pure types The combined types The Lunar – Venusian The Venusian – Mercury The Mercury – Saturnine The Saturnine – Martial The Martial - Jovial The Jovial – Lunar Relationships between combined types Evolution of types Conclusion The 4 Types Gurdjieff ‘s Work The Householder The Tramp The Lunatic The Vacuums Conclusion The 21 Types The Science of Idiots Basic information Traits of the idiots Conclusion The Zodiac The twelve months The twelve signs Conclusion This is not the end