It is time for a "contemporary commentary" on the book of Zechariah--one of the most Messianic books of the Bible . . . and one which is way overdue given the extremity of the hour in which we live. Dr. John Walvoord once said that Zechariah's Eight Visions, Prophecy, and, I would add, Messianic Scenario, is the most "stereoscopic eschatology" presented in Holy Writ. Zechariah's impactful evening of the Eight Visions and singular Prophecy in the Crowning of Israel's High Priest, Joshua, as KING - thus, the Kingship and the Priesthood - is domiciled in one person--a Person who reflects upon the prophetic image of the Son of Man in His High Priestly work, but Who Reigns supreme within the context of My Servant, the Branch and the Man Whose Name is BRANCH--King of kings. Even so, the First and Second Comings of Messiah are integrated into the Visions and Prophecy of Zechariah. The themes throughout these Eight Visions encompass the full extant of prophetic visions seen in the Bible--their placement during the reign of Darius II, Artaxerxes the Great, whose Queen Esther (Hadassah), makes the time frame between 521-485 BC. Given the Decree announced by King Cyrus in 537 BC and the commencement of the Temple's foundation in 536 BC . . . we find the Second Temple's completion some 21 years later (536-515 BC) in the sixth year of the reign of Darius II--no doubt the initial 7 years construction and then the 8-year hiatus when the work ceased under Cambyses/Artaxerxes and then the final 6 years under Darius was most arduous; yet, inspiring for it was "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord" (Zech. 4:6). The UNIVERSAL LAMPSTAND displays the most inspiring of all the visions received on that incredible eve. It is ultimately reflected in Revelation chapter 1 when the Son of Man stands in the midst of the "Seven Golden Lampstands" as the PROPHET - for on either side of the Stem and Bowl atop thereof are the "Two Sons of Oil" - Joshua representing the Priesthood; and Zerubbabel, representing the Kingship/Governor within their midst is the PROPHET, the Son of Man. It was not until the 20th Year in the reign of King Artaxerxes Longimanus in 445 BC that Nehemiah's WALL was finished. The Decrees in the 7th Year to embellish the Second Temple given to Ezra in 458 BC and the final Decree given to Nehemiah to finish the Wall in 445 BC completed the Persian Decrees regarding the Second Temple and the Wall of the City. We affirm that the Decree of Cyrus the Great in 537 BC terminated the 70-years captivity of Judah (608/607 BC unto 538/537 BC and introduced the 70 Weeks of Daniel's prophecy comprised of two GAPS wherein the first 49 years (7 weeks) of the prophecy extended from 537 BC to 488 BC with nigh a GAP of some 87 to 88 years unto 401 BC and then the commencement of the next 62 Weeks unto "Messiah the Prince" on that Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on 10 Nisan, 33 AD - some 434 years later - we now await the final 70th Week of Daniel wherein its calculation MAY find its commencement in the year 2018 (33 AD - 2018 AD or another GAP of some 1,985 years ) with the final 70th Week bringing us to the year 2025 AD. Extensive chronologies from the Bible are presented indicating Adam's Creation date to be that of 3975 BC with "Man's Days" totaling 6,000 years, ending in 2025 AD and the coming of the Son of Man, the Son of David. The scattering and fasting of Judah in chapters 7-8 of the text are greeted in Zechariah 9 with the Oracle of Damascus--which is taking place today! From there we are led to Zech. 9:9-10 the most Messianic descriptions given of Messiah riding on a donkey and His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and thence the commencement of the Messianic Scenario until the Millennial Rule and Reign of the Son of David. The text is exhaustive--not an easy read--nigh 70 pp. of Subject Index and some 2,000 Scripture References--this Magnum Opus took some 33 years in the making - God bless you--read on!