The Educational Covenant is a refreshing challenge to the modern utilitarian understanding of education in our culture. It positively provokes educators and evangelizers alike to take a closer examination of what it means to educate (blurb, Mary Cohen, Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Denver) Taking Christ as its pedagogical model, The Educational Covenant explores the real mission of authentic education: to reveal the human person, to embrace a horizon greater than the human person, and ultimately to form hearts, minds, and bodies to pursue our human destiny as beings on a journey to God. The authors make a colossal contribution to the future of education, producing a thought-provoking, realistic must-read for parents, teachers, religious, and anyone entrusted with the care and education of hearts (Mr. Carl A. Anderson) The Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary introduce readers to the vision of education as teaching the art of life .... I strongly recommend The Educational Covenant for all educators, teachers and parents who desire to better understand the beauty of their vocation (Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver) The book includes a Foreword from Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver and articles from: - Fr. Jose Noriega, Professor of Moral Theology at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, S.T.D. - Fr. Jose Granados, Professor of Sacramentality and Marriage at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Rome, Italy, S.T.D. - Fr. Luis Sanchez, Professor of New Testament at the University of San Damaso, Madrid, Spain, S.T.D. - Fr. Juan de Dios Larru, Professor of Moral Theology at the University of San Damaso, Madrid, Spain; Dean of the spanish section of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, S.T.D. - Fr. Carlos Granados, Professor of Old Testament at the University of San Damaso, Madrid, Spain, S.T.D. - Fr. Juan Antonio Granados, Principal of the Stella maris School, Madrid, Spain, S.T.L. - Fr. Leopoldo Vives, Professor at the spanish section of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute. - Fr. Ignacio de Ribera, Professor at the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., Ph.D. - Fr. Luis Granados, Professor at the University of San Damaso, Madrid, Spain, S.T.D.