The International Healing Foundation's Counselor Training Program series is for therapists, clergy, ministry leaders, and coaches who wish to assist those dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) and their loved ones. In this training program, you will learn: 1. How to identify the causes of same-sex attraction (SSA) 2. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan for healing 3. Therapeutic strategies to use in each stage of treatment 4. How to prepare former SSA men and women for dating 5. Ways to assist parents, spouses, family members and the religious community 6.Cohen has counseled and successfully helped hundreds of men and women transition from a homosexual to a heterosexual orientation over the past twenty-one years. Additionally, he has assisted hundreds of parents restore relationships with their SSA loved ones. In this landmark training series, he shares the how tos of change. Practical strategies for assisting clients and their loved ones in the healing process are taught in this comprehensive and systematic protocol. Mr. Cohen is one of the leading experts in the field of sexual reorientation. He is the director of the International Healing Foundation located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, and the author of Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality, Alfie s Home, and Gay Children, Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing. Training includes: Cognitive and behavioral approaches to healing Creating affirmations for healthy gender identity Assisting clients in establishing healthy friendships and mentors Protocol for group therapy and support groups Preparing former SSA men and women for dating Psychodynamic therapeutic modalities for greater healing: Focusing / Voice Dialogue / Bioenergetics / Psychodrama / Inner Child / Family Constellations / EMDR / Healing Body Image Wounds / Healthy Touch Working with families and the religious community Strategies for parents with SSA children Taking care of the caregiver to prevent burnout Socio-political issues of the gay rights movement How to prepare for media interviews It is accompanied by a 182-page manual. This groundbreaking and comprehensive therapeutic protocol is the first of its kind in the world. It will educate you how to assist those with unwanted SSA and their loved ones.