This is a book intended to assist anyone and everyone. It deals with that perennial taboo, the subject of death. It is not a will, nor should it be considered as such. It is however, the essential guide to producing your Letter of Wishes and which, once completed correctly, should save incalculable amounts of stress to those you leave behind and take most, if not all, of the guesswork out of the administration of an estate. It will offer a vast amount of helpful information about whom your executors should contact, the funeral you would wish for, your finances, your belongings, and even your pets. This book is simple yet comprehensive. Its usefulness cannot be overstated.You may not feel you need such a book, but consider this scenario: Imagine your child, sibling, or friend is executor to your will. When the sad time comes to wind up your estate, where would they start? Would they be able, for example, to answer the following questions: Who do you wish to have informed of your passing?Is there a family cemetery plot and where is the paperwork to support that?Where are the deeds to your house?Where is your Will?Have you registered as an organ donor?Who has spare sets of keys to your house?Who knows the code to your burglar alarm?Or does your home have a safe?Who is to take care of your pet poodle Pandora?Equally important, who do you not want to take care of Pandora???There are over 100 simple, but pertinent questions which need to be answered by you in Last Orders. Those answers will eradicate doubt and offer clarity to the executors of your will and those you leave behind.In researching Last Orders, Patricia C Byron consulted with lawyers, funeral directors, the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners and The Law Society of England & Wales but, perhaps most telling of all, is that she has personal knowledge and experience of administering estates.Since its launch in the Spring of 2010, and following the author being interviewed on the BBC's Radio 4 Woman's Hour, LAST ORDERS sold out and went to reprint. It has become a staple item for those wishing to put their affairs in order.Along with the general public, there are now law firms within the UK Legal 500 using Last Orders for their Will-making clients as well as members of the Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners, estate planners and independent financial advisors.