Cash Content Creation - How To Easily Create Compelling Written Content For Your Websites That Your Visitors Will Love! (Content Strategy for the Web - The New Content Marketing, Marketing Research and Content Writing Rules - Volume 1) You're Only A Few Minutes Away From Discovering The Web Content Creation Secrets That Can Help You To Produce Great Written Content For Your Websites! This groundbreaking content marketing book lays down the new content rules for the web. You will discover... > How to produce content for the web that is Extremely Targeted to YOUR target audience and which will take you minutes to decide upon rather than hours or days! > Content Development and Marketing Research Methods that save you time AND money, but mean that you end up with BETTER content! > EXACTLY what YOUR market wants RIGHT NOW, not two years ago! Using my methods you won't have to guess what your market wants to read about. You will KNOW for certain. > A proven content strategy for the web that pitches you and your website as an expert in that area, without you having to scratch your head every day wondering what web content you should be writing about next! > Methods of turning your marketing research strategies and great ideas into content you can be proud of (regardless of whether you LOVE content writing or wish to outsource that task to someone else). > How to SEO your digital content the RIGHT WAY After The Google Panda and Google Penguin Updates! > How to GUARANTEE that any web content writing that you get outsourced is Unique and High Quality. > An EXACT BLUEPRINT on what to say, how to say it and when and where to say it to get the very best writers for the best value prices! > A complete writing methodology and system to create written content if you would prefer to write your own content. You owe it to yourself to take the first steps on the road to FINALLY creating web content that people will LOVE to read! Here are just some of the ways that you can use this new content that you create: Autoresponder sequences Blog Posts and Web Content Emails On Social websites like Facebook For use in Videos For Press Releases As Sales Copy For Landing Pages For Guest Blogging on popular websites To build traffic to your web properties To build your company brand To build your personal brand And of course for Creating Your Own Products. Content marketing is a fantastic way to do all of these things, and yet if you don't know WHAT to write about then you are lost from the very beginning. In this book I describe an entire content strategy for the web right through from marketing research and deciding what to write about, to content development and content creation strategies that will enable you to write great content that will really connect with your audience, as well as the latest Post-Penguin SEO Strategies. By the end of this book you will have an entire blueprint to quickly create articles and written content that people actually want to read! By approaching this process in the way I describe you will immediately be more in touch with your market than ANY of your competitors, because whilst they are scrabbling around, scratching their heads wondering what to write about next, you will already KNOW what the people in your market REALLY want from you because of my unique marketing research strategies. This will allow you to focus on high quality content writing and creation and on delivering the cash producing content your visitors really want!