Simply wringing your hands over the state of the world is not going to change anything. It's real action that changes the world, and this book gives the reader advice from people who wake up every day and do the hard work of building peace. Bravo! - Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize LaureateThis volume teaches again and again one vital insight: peacebuilding in deeply divided communities requires a special combination of radical thinking, creative imagination and engaged action. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate The literature on peacebuilding has expanded significantly in the past ten years. This book stands out because it reflects and charts the creativity, energy and relevance of the field for global peacemaking... it is an indispensable resource for educators, researchers and activist. - Tom Woodhouse, author of Contemporary Conflict Resolution This book is an empowering patchwork of rich voices of harmony and dissent... It is a book you can dip into here and there on a plane or before bed. This is because it is a compilation that lets the journey be your own in connecting up the many strands of wisdom it contains. All of us can be much better peacebuilders if we take that journey of the connections with this sumptuous volume. - John Braithwaite, author of Crime, Shame and Reintegration Have you ever met people who faced deeply into the difficulties of life but still have a sense of joy, compassion, even playfulness?Each bestselling author shares with you wisdom, inspiring stories and real life experiences. Each of the 15 bold peacebuilders in this book are just such people and each offers their best ideas to help you. These people exude a kind of hope rooted, not in ignorance, but rather the kind of hope that arises as people face the complexity of violence, trauma, abuse and injustice but still somehow find a path toward being peace and transforming the world. . Each shares their first-hand experience of learning the art of conflict, how to be peace in the midst of disruption and how they work at transforming the world.These great teachers of peace teach you how to: Be inspired by the stories of people being peace and transforming the world. . Be equipped with tools and strategies of peacebuilding in a variety of settingsBe nurtured with resources that have helped shape and inspire the author's peace practices. ˃˃˃ Authors include:Ovide Mercredi, Mubarak Awad, Stuart Clark, David Dyck, Martin Entz, Harry Huebner, Ouyporn Khuankaew, George Lakey, Ivo Markovic, Maxine Matilpi, Stan McKay, Piet Meiring, Sophia Murphy, Kay Pranis, and Karen Ridd. Accompany these authors offer you their best insights on these vital topics: women and peacebuilding, nonviolent action for social change, restorative justice, indigenous approaches to change, spirituality and creative arts, circle process, food security, mediation, inter-cultural peace work, truth and reconciliation. ˃˃˃