This book started as a series of separate writing pieces that were eventually woven together to form a fabric called The Y in You. The question is, “What’s the ‘why’ in you?” Why do you? Why would you? Why should you? Through the pages in this book, you will gain the confidence to be you, and understand the very power in what being you can produce. From philosophy to personal experiences, from existential considerations to the very nature of the human experience, consider who might be waiting on you to be you. "If you are looking for a roadmap, a book with all of the answers laid out for you, I offer a disclaimer. Dene Gainey’s book is not the roadmap. It is the flashlight. It will force you to dig deeper, beyond the surface, to find your answers. If you are one looking to reflect, grow and look closer at your why, this is for you. Dene writes of a journey. He does a wonderful job of illuminating the path, shining light on things we can look for along the way to discovering our “Y.” Dene's passion spills onto each page as he shares his story. It is a captivating one in which we can all stand to learn from and experience by walking alongside him in the form of his book. Jump in if you are ready to look in the mirror, embrace the C.L.I.M.B.E. philosophy, reflect on your passions, answer your call and experience authenticity from an incredible teacher "in the trenches!" Dene is known to many as #theteacherwhosings. Dene hits all the right notes in this one. It will be music to your educator ears. Luckily for readers, he is also forging the title of #theteacherwhowrites to help make us #teacherswhoshine." - Michael Drezek, District Technology Integration Specialist "This book is reflective--a testimony to "relationship" in personal growth, acceptance of self, and the power of influence. Dene Gainey is confident in sharing his reality and choice of education as a profession, wanting nothing more than to offer encouragement to others to find the same. I believe Divine Providence reveals intentionality in that Mr. Gainey finds "gain" in living the "Y" through the most positive "You" imaginable. Enjoy this light and quick read to reaffirm the educator in all of us." - Christy Cate, Digital Innovation Consultant