Improve the Quality of Mental Health Care This DVD helps address the challenges many practitioners face in assimilating results from psychotherapy research into their treatment plans. It offers step-by-step guidance on how to create an evidence-based psychotherapy treatment plan for bipolar disorder. In a viewer-friendly manner, Drs. Art Jongsma and Tim Bruce discuss the steps involved in psychotherapy treatment planning and how to integrate objectives and interventions into a treatment plan, as part of an overall evidence-based practice. A sample evidence-based treatment plan for bipolar disorder is provided. The Companion Workbook contains an optional 20-question test that can be submitted for Continuing Education Credit. In this DVD, Drs. Jongsma and Bruce: Discuss the process and criteria for diagnosing bipolar disorder Describe the essential elements of psychotherapy treatment planning Provide a brief history of efforts to identify empirically supported treatments (ESTs) for bipolar disorder Describe identified ESTs for bipolar disorder Demonstrate how to empirically inform a psychotherapy treatment plan with objectives and interventions consistent with those of identified ESTs for bipolar disorder Show and discuss role-played scenarios that demonstrate selected aspects of the ESTs Discuss common considerations in relapse prevention and show how they can be integrated into a psychotherapy treatment plan System requirements: Playable on a set-top DVD player or a computer with a DVD-ROM drive, at least 512 MB system RAM, and a software DVD decoder PC requires Windows 2000 or higher; Mac requires OS 9 or higher Sound card and speakers required to listen to audio Also available: Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder DVD Companion Workbook / 978-0-470-56857-6 Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder DVD Facilitator's Guide / 978-0-470-56846-0 Approximate run time: 1:07 For more information on our full line of Evidence-Based Treatment Planning DVDs, visit us on the Web at: