This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1654 Excerpt: ...them their due; by denying any preparatory use of them: tjt qiustltm. more on the other, by giving them too much: we all being prone thereunto, by reason of that legal self, the remainders of which are yet dwelling in us; Albeit we take so much from Christ, asweovergive to them: whose differing tenets together with their gradual aberrations from the truth, and defections even unto the PtU&lan hcrefie, it may not be unprofitable in this place to take a brief notkeof: beginning with the last. PiUgiits affirmed that, man merited grace by the Worn AUa er of Nature. Scrip Sj The MiJ/ilienses (by Prosper called the resumes of PtUgi-nod. Jrt. 4w,and commonly Semi-P ctdgians)& ffirmed that man by previous dispositions, performed by the strength of nature, ob tained grace as a reward. The Papistjttscb, That there are certain pre-requisitc?r5r7' and preparatory Dispositions, that merit the infusion //»/ of grace and justification (which to them is the seme and more then conversion is with us) with die merit of congruity. «AUa.& The ArmiiiiAns taxe the Orthodox, for asserting all acts Scripta Sy before faith to be fin; and teach that there is in a man not HoJjtbisMpra regenerate (chat is without faith) a hunger and thirst after Pemble. & righteousness, a hatred of fin, and such other like acts, Alii. which ought to be accounted acceptable unto God, unto the communicating of further grace: that to all such God gi-vech sufficient grace to believe; and leaveth it in the power of such afoul, whether it will believe, or not. Others(vvich whom the fore-mentioned are not to be nam-ed) reverend,learned, judicious,and pious (though they justly abhor the tenets of the fore-mentioned, yet) seem to teach, chat there are some qualifications before faith t...