A Canadian Bestiary, Second Edition: A Collection of People, Places and Beasties from Canadian Folklore, Cryptozoology, Native Religion, and Mythology
When it comes to folklore and mythology, what springs to mind are places like Greece, Romania, England and other European countries, with their stories and images of Gorgons and Cyclopes, Vampires, Dragons and Faeries... But what about Canada? Canada has a deep and varied folkloric heritage based upon the legends, myths and stories of the numerous Native nations who lived in Canada first, that were built upon by each successive wave of immigrants from all over the world. The French brought tales of flying canoes, the Devil, and little goblins who took horses out for joyrides; the Germans gave us conjure doctors; the Italians the weather controlling folletti; the Russians the household sprites called domivye... For more than twenty years, amateur folklorist Todd H. C. Fischer has researched hundreds of creatures, monsters, strange locales, heroes and spirits from all across Canada. That research gave rise to the first edition of his Canadian Bestiary. Now he returns with this revised and expanded second edition, featuring dozens of new entries, an introduction by Canada’s “Mr. Mystery” John Robert Colombo, indices and over fifty photographs and illustrations. This comprehensive volume is a great springboard into the worlds of both folklore and cryptozoography and is a valuable addition to collections on either subject.
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