Organic Vegetable Growing: A practical, authoritative guide to producing nutritious and flavourful vegetables from your garden or allotment
Growing your own organic vegetables will give you fresher, tastier and more nutritious produce with no food miles, fossil fuel use or packaging; and will provide you with the simple but enormous pleasure and satisfaction of supplying at least part of your own food requirements. This authoritative book provides detailed, practical guidance for those who wish to make the most of their time and whatever area of ground is available to grow vegetables the organic way. It looks forward to productive gardening becoming increasingly relevant and necessary as we are obliged to adapt to global trends, including climate change and diminishing oil resources that will adversely affect food production. The techniques described are applicable to any scale of gardening and are based on the author's thirty years of organic gardening experience, including twenty years of self-sufficiency and eight as a professional gardener growing vegetables and fruit in walled gardens.