Knowing G-d's Plan (Daas Tevunos) - The Precise System Through Which G-d Directs Every Aspect of Existence

Knowing G-d's Plan (Daas Tevunos) - The Precise System Through Which G-d Directs Every Aspect of Existence image




Released: Mar 01, 2016
Format: Hardcover, 716 pages
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A Torah Classic of Profound Meaning, Power & ChizukEspecially for our Generation!Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzattos Daas Tevunos is a classic of fundamental hashkafah and emunah. In an orderly manner the Ramchal discusses the precise system through which HaShem directs every aspect of existence - addressing the oneness of HaShem, HaShem s concealment, the body-soul relationship, the way HaShem directs the world of good and evil, prophecy, the world s ultimate perfection, and much more.With a superlative new translation, complete with extensive commentary and convenient summary sections, this beautiful, bi-lingual edition is a must-read sefer for those who wish to fortify their emunah and successfully face the challenging times in which we live.

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