
V'Higadeta-Shemos image




Released: Jan 01, 2017
Format: Hardcover, 0 pages
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Delivering a good derashah is an art. An art that Rav Yaakov Galinsky, zt"l, one of the greatest maggidim of our generation, perfected as he delivered thousands of derashos in the halls of yeshivos and batei midrash before huge audiences, both religious and nonreligious. When he was a bachur in the Novardok yeshivah, there was a daily mussar seder during which each talmid was expected to present his thoughts and ideas. It was then that Rav Galinsky started to develop his talent for making an impact on others with his words. Over the years, he was responsible for bringing many people closer to Hashem. What was his secret? First of all, he would say, if someone delivers divrei Torah in public that don't resonate with his listeners, it would be better not to say them at all. The listeners need to be able to relate to what they are hearing. Second: If someone says divrei Torah, not only do they have to be relevant, but also "sweet as honey." The speech has to be entertaining and enjoyable. Interweave the words of Torah with captivating stories and penetrating meshalim to hold the listeners' attention. This was the secret to Rav Galinsky's success as a maggid. Everything he said had its basis in Chazal; everything had a lesson that resonated with today's generation. But he made sure to sprinkle his derashos with enough good stories to illustrate the lessons and captivate his audiences. Now his derashos are finally accessible in print to the English-speaking readership. In his unique, penetrating style-with stories and parables, lessons and maxims, pesukim and ma'amarei Chazal-he brings the weekly parashah to life. As you unearth this magnificent treasury of stories and real-l

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