Defining Obama: Leadership Perspectives of the First African-American President of the United States
Released: Jul 01, 2010
Publisher: Multi-Media Publications Inc.
Format: Paperback, 124 pages
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President Barack Obama is a unique U.S. president. His heritage redefines diversity for American politicians. His abilities as a politician and leader often transcend description. He has become a uniquely-appealing political icon over a very short period of time. The world responded to his election with unprecedented enthusiasm, and as his presidency begins his legacy, he seems destined for great things to come. Much of Obama's personal appeal is his ability to relate to many different people from such a variety of backgrounds. Although, we might never be able to truly define Obama, learning to understand him better can help us better understand great leaders. Regardless of our politics, race, or position in life, he clearly demonstrates many leadership aspects that we can learn to mimic in order to build our own leadership skills. This book analyzes many of Obama's leadership skills using a framework that can be used for our own skills development activities. As an added bonus, the book includes 101 different ways of defining Barack Obama as a leader.
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