Leadership and Governance is a collection of essays on political economy, leadership and governance, and corruption and community development, as well as on information technology and education. This book, thus, presents a broad overview of the major problems facing the Nigerian economy. Towards that, the contributors highlight the relationship between good leadership and governance and the economic health of Nigeria as they explore the forces for a meaningful change in the polity. This book asserts that political leaders in Nigeria should be held to a higher standard of leadership and governance in order for the economy to grow and develop for 'common good'. Nigeria’s educational system is the foundation for its national development. But this is impossible without investing in human capital (education and health), fixing the existing dilapidated infrastructure and institutions and acquiring technological capability that drive the economy. The power of productivity of the Nigerian economy cannot rise above the quality of its leadership, governance and graduates. Today Nigeria's young democracy is in a state of uncertainty because of ineffective leadership and governance as well as lack of accountability. Since all the essential factors are missing in Nigeria's scheme of affairs, its economy as well as the democracy transition will continue to choke and stagnate. There are myriad ways to reform the Nigerian educational system, improve its quality of graduates and the state of the economy. But closing the nation's higher institutions for five months on the pretext that there is no money to meet teachers demands is not a way to improve the state of education and its weak economy. The trouble with Nigeria's democracy is that the people do not get the type of government they want. For instance, praying to God only, as President Goodluck Jonathan often does, to rescue the nation from its challenges is not by any means a strategy to solve Nigeria's socioeconomic and political problems. His administration needs to adopt a long-term strategy for creating a learning culture to improve the state of education and the security situation so as to tackle its development challenges. This includes motivating the teachers, treating them as professional they really are, and providing them with the tools to effectively educate the youths. Like the Nigerian economy without functional infrastructure and institutions, the leaders cannot strip the teachers of the tools they need to perform their duties and expect them to perform miracles. New challenges require new paradigms. The political leaders should adopt new, effective and innovative methods to meet the needs of the economy, the rapidly growing population and the ethno-religious and politically dynamic society. This book posits that without a paradigm shift in values, beliefs and thinking on ways to reform the Nigerian educational system, as well as to invest in the commanding heights of the economy, its educational system and the economy would remain prostrate with its attendant catalogue of human misery.