How To Use Child Size Masterpieces
How to Use Child-size Masterpieces by Aline D. Wolf is a manual that enables adults, who need not be art experts, to present beautiful paintings to young children.
Dispensing with the words "Don't touch," which normally accompany the study of fine art, this program invites youngsters ages 3 through 12 to handle postcard-size reproductions (sold separately in the Child-Size Masterpieces books) in a delightful series of graded activities.
Step 1 - Matching identical paintings
Step 2 - Pairing two similar paintings by the same artist
Step 3 - Grouping four paintings by each of three artists
Step 4 - Learning the names of famous artists
Step 5 - Learning the names of famous paintings
Step 6 - Learning about the schools of art
Step 7 - Sorting schools of art
Step 8 - Placing paintings on a time line
This 70 page paperback is illustrated by Janine Sgrignoli Wolf.
Our Price: $ 13.00
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