Shin Sutras to Live by: A New Century Publication
Sutras are the threads which weave the Buddha's many teachings into everyday life. SHIN SUTRAS TO LIVE BY is a collection of the three primary sutras that guide, inspire, & are a source of spiritual strength & courage for Shin Buddhists everywhere. Their rendering in the modern poetry style of contemporary English is beautifully & sensitively done, ideal both as introduction to Shin Buddhism for students & seekers, & as a devotional handbook for Buddhists everywhere. To those who have not previously encountered the Nembutsu teachings of Shin (Pure Land Mahayana), this quality paperback with easy to read explanations of meaning & origin of the sutras is invaluable. To those American Shin Buddhists (Buddhist Churches of America; Buddhist Churches of Canada) who have been used to chanting the sutras in Sino-Japanese, these clear, contemporary English versions can infuse the traditional chants with new meaning. An accompanying audio-tape is also available at $2.95 plus postage.
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