Teddy Bear Iron-On Transfer Patterns

Teddy Bear Iron-On Transfer Patterns image




Author(s): Menten, Ted
Released: Jan 01, 1983
Publisher: Dover Pubns
Format: Paperback, 48 pages
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(The Teddy Bear is probably the single most popular toy in any child's collection. Named for President Teddy Roosevelt, who refused to shoot a bear cub on a hunting expedition, Teddy Bears are today universally regarded as a symbol of love and affection.Now, on the occasion of the Teddy Bear's 80th birthday, noted designer and author Ted Mentenhas captured the winning charm of these cuddly cubs in 80 iron-on transfer patterns. Illustrationsinclude both boy and girl Teddys in a variety of activities, poses, with many seasonal motifs, andin several sizes from very small to full-page designs. And, as a bonus, all designs include a helpfultest pattern.Use these patterns to embroider, woodburn, punchneedle, paint or applique images of these amiable little animals. The author suggests many handsome and practical applications: pockets, collars, cuffs, blouses, T-shirts, pillows, tote bags, wall hangings, and many other interesting ideas and variations. Also includes clear, complete, easy-to-follow directions, with special instructions in these vital areas:Preparing the FabricTransferring the PatternsPreparing the Ironing BoardUsing Dark FabricsMaking a Test PatternUsing WoodNeedleworkers and crafts enthusiasts alike will delight in this easy-to-use collection of iron-on transfer patterns: 80 images of huggable Teddys accompanied by clear, concise instructions for their use in a wide array of applications)

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