Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (Unsolved Problems in Intuitive Mathematics)

Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (Unsolved Problems in Intuitive Mathematics) image




Author(s): Guy, Richard K.
Edition: 2nd Edition
Released: Jan 01, 1997
Publisher: Springer, Verlag
Format: Paperback, 300 pages
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This book contains discussions of hundreds of open questions in number theory, organized into 185 different topics. They represent numerous aspects of number theory and are organized into six categories: prime numbers, divisibility, additive number theory, Diophantine equations, sequences of integers, and miscellaneous. To prevent repetition of earlier efforts or duplication of previously known results, an extensive and up-to-date collection of references follows each problem. In the second edition, extensive new material has been added, and corrections have been included throughout the book. This volume is an invaluable supplement to any course in number theory.

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