Effective Police Supervision

Effective Police Supervision image




Edition: 9
Released: Dec 29, 2020
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardcover, 586 pages
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Product Description Effective Police Supervision, 9th ed., is a time-tested text providing complete coverage of the organizational dynamics surrounding leadership of teams in an effective police department. This revised edition provides readers with the tools to excel and advance with up-to-date and timely scholarly research and legal case law on supervision. Special attention is given to recruitment, selection, and retention of police, commonly believed to be the most challenging internal issue facing agencies today. Supervisory tactics are evaluated in terms of how they work not only in the United States but in the United Kingdom and Canada as well, and chapters are enhanced with boxed features that help the reader connect ideas with realistic situations. Combining behavioral theory and updated case studies, Effective Police Supervision is the preferred textbook for college-level classes on police supervision and is an essential resource for preparation for promotional exams and career development for law enforcement officers and supervisors. Information has been included to respond to current issues facing law enforcement with Covid-19 and managing protests. About the Author Larry S. Miller is professor and chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). A former law enforcement officer and police supervisor, Miller has authored or co-authored over ten textbooks in criminal justice. He received his Ph.D. in public safety from the University of Tennessee in 1981. Miller joined the faculty in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in 1984 and teaches police in America, criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, and statistics in criminal justice.Harry W. More was professor emeritus at San Jose State University, and a past president of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and the Western Society of Criminology. He taught at Washington State University; Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he founded and chaired the criminology program; and San Jose State University, where he chaired the Department of Administration of Justice. Outside of the university setting, he was employed by the U.S. Secret Service, worked in juvenile probation, and taught in-service management personnel in California, Ohio, and Oregon. At the time of his death, he was the president of the Law Enforcement Consulting Group and had written numerous articles and authored or edited more than 40 texts. Michael C. Braswellis professor emeritus of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology of East Tennessee State University (ETSU). Braswell received his Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Mercer University in 1969, a Master of Arts in psychology from the State University of West Georgia in 1970, his Ed.S. in rehabilitation/correctional counseling from the University of Georgia in 1973, and his doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1975. He joined the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at ETSU in 1977, where he taught classes on ethics and justice, human relations and criminal justice, and film studies in crime and justice.

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