Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Maternal-Newborn Nursing with Nursing Reviews & Rationales (3rd Edition) (Hogan, Pearson Reviews & Rationales Series)
PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: MATERNAL-NEWBORN NURSING WITH NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES, 3/e provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today’s “need to know” knowledge for effective maternal and newborn nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, it is fully reflective of the current (2010) NCLEX-RN® Test Plan. The text thoroughly covers family-centered care during normal and complicated experiences in the prenatal, labor and delivery, postpartal, and neonatal periods. Additional chapters focus on ethical, legal, and cultural considerations; reproduction, fertility, and infertility; family planning and contraception; fetal development; laboratory and diagnostic testing; and issues of loss and grief in maternity nursing. This text’s complete support package includes access to additional questions and a tear-out NursingNotes card for clinical reference and quick review.
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