Prego! An Invitation to Italian (Student Workbook)

Prego! An Invitation to Italian (Student Workbook) image




Edition: Workbook
Released: Jan 01, 1995
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
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Prego! is easy to use! For this exciting new edition, we listened to our many adopters and made significant revisions to adaptPrego! to the changing needs of your students. Every aspect of this program is based on the strong foundation of vocabulary and grammar presentations unique toPrego along with communicative activities and expanded cultural material to help students develop language proficiency. As a result, the program is even stronger, offering a truly integrated approach to presenting culture that inspires students to develop their communication skills.All print and media supplements for the program are completely integrated in CENTRO, our comprehensive digital platform that brings together all the online and media resources of thePrego! program. These include the Quia online versions of the workbook and laboratory manual, the video program, the music playlist, and new interactive games. Instructors will also find an easy-to-use grade book, an instructor dashboard, and a class roster system that facilitates course management and helps reduce administrative workload.

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